Me and my classmates donated some blood this day because our school TIP (Technological Institute of the Philippines) and the Philippine RED Cross, they joined together to have this wonderful activity and all the department of our school participated the said program.
The tittle of the said program was "OPERATION: DUGTONG BUHAY" this is my second time in donating blood and my blood type was Type B.
First I weigh my self if I'm applicable to donate my blood and then after knowing my weight (It's 159lbs) then answering a questionnaire its about my health condition and then here comes the blood pressure I'm stock in blood pressure because the woman who check my blood pressure told me that my blood pressure is so high 140/80 I think and then she told me that I'm tired so I take some rest in a minute and then she check again but it failed again maybe four times she tried to check my blood pressure after the fourth time she ask a doctor if it's okay for me to have that blood pressure and thank God the doctor said that it's okay for me because it also depends on the body build up of a person.
After passing he blood pressure the next step will be determining the blood type and the hemoglobin level (I don't know the process) after determining my blood type and I'm blood type B next step will be Physical Examination the doctors will check my conditions and then after checking the last step will be the donation of blood and it held in the PE Center of our school.
I think I spent thirty minutes of my time in donating my blood including the resting time and in a total of one hour I think and I donated one bag of blood or a 450 cc of my blood.
After I donated my blood my classmates follow and they donated their blood thats why most of my pictures are not me because I take the pictures because the time I'm the one who donating my blood I'm alone and no one will take my pictures so I decided to come with them to take some of their pictures for my blog so I'm the official photographer of that said event for them and we are happy that we donated our blood because we help many people who needs some blood and because of this donation they also help us to pass a subject theirs an incentive in a subject who donated a blood in the said event and because of that we have our own title of the said program "Dugtong Buhay is equal to Dugtong Grades".
After my classmates donated their blood we can now get the foods and drinks and it's free (Noodles, Egg, Zesto, and a Magic Biscuit) the donation will also having some raffle draws and I hope I get one of the winners and we can get our Red Cross Card next Monday in our school clinic.
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